If you don't know who we are, well, here we are.

  • Mike : Brother, son, singer-songwriter, founder and creator of the Herculean looking creepy human hand you might already have hanging on your wall, or are considering buying.
  • Kelly : Sister, daughter, the Marilyn Munster of our brood that keeps the books and orders in order.  Also the hand model for the cool creepy chic version of our human hand.
  • Sylvia : Mother, artist, sculptor and official conscience of the business.  She has been very concerned, and rightfully so, about increasing our prices in the shadow of this pandemic and what that implies for both the business and the family.
  • Dale : Father, drummer, inventor, tinkerer, engineer and all things production related as well as the wise sage who helps guide the Cap'n of this ship so we don't hit the rocks or listen to the sirens calls for too long.

If you're wondering why we've raised the prices (and especially during this pandemic), you can read about our new pricing here.


Michael Ryan